Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Hike in Lost River State Park.

It was a beautiful day in West Virginia and Calli and I had a wonderful hike in the Lost River State Park. When we are hiking and I am able to watch Calli carefully, I allow her to be "muzzle free." At the top of "Razor Ridge," I caught her with something orange in her mouth. I thought it was an orange peel that someone had left behind, but when I took it from her, I discovered it was an orange "Leukemia" bracelet inscribed with "Faith, Hope, Courage, Love." On the ground next to her was a green "Blood Disorder" bracelet. The bracelets where mine! I had been wearing them since last August, when my father was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. I had no idea where I had lost the bracelets, back in January. Calli found them on top of the Razor Ridge Trail! What an awesome pup!

1 comment:

  1. That is the most wonderful story!!! It makes my eyes water!!! She is truly a remarkable spirit, a symbol of hope, courage, and love. Nice post, Robin!
